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Harvesting Value in the Warranty Phase

No matter how perfectly a building was designed and constructed, as a Commissioning Provider (CxP), you will always have a few issues to glean at substantial completion. Once the building is occupied, the number of issues multiplies. This can leave owners feeling like they got bad service from either Design, Construction, Commissioning, or all three! Often, owners end up using overrides to “fix” the issues because they don’t know how else to stop the cold calls. The Designer’s vision of an energy-efficient building evaporates, leaving behind disappointment. 

Now imagine a warranty phase where the Owner, Designer, Contractors, CxP, and Facility Operators all look forward to working together again. These additional resources deliver outsized returns in operator training, building optimization, and user comfort. The Owner harvests more value from the warranty because the team can find and fix more issues. Designer, General Contractor, and CxP buy into the process as they also reap the benefits. With a dedicated warranty phase commissioning team using a structured approach and data to proactively find and solve issues, Altura’s made the worst twelve months of a project the most rewarding. For everyone!

Learning Objectives:
  1. Structure the cadence of meetings and work to find issues effectively.
  2. Arrange the commissioning team to be efficient with your senior, junior, and data staff.
  3. Illustrate the benefits of this method to the rest of the Warranty Phase Team (General Contractor, Designer, subcontractors) and gain support.
  4. Justify the enhanced warranty phase scope to building owners.

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