Energy Storage Systems Essential and Hazards to be Aware of - BCxA2023.4

Stationary Energy Storage Systems are dramatically increasing in buildings and as separate structures, and these systems are only gaining in popularity and are here to stay. These Energy Storage Systems (ESS) benefit utility companies, carbon-neutral buildings as part of renewable energy, and overall, as part of a green energy option. With all those positive benefits, some hazards need to be mitigated. NFPA 855, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems, provides the requirements for Hazard Mitigation Analysis, fire protection systems, systems integrations, and system commissioning. The presentation will provide an overview of the chemistry of Lithium-Ion Batteries, NFPA 855, Hazard Evaluation including real-world incidents that occurred, general safety approach, commissioning, and how NFPA 4 Integrated Testing of Fire and Life Safety Systems may be required.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Detail the important components of the NFPA 855, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems.
  2. Articulate the Hazard Mitigation Analysis process.
  3. Describe the ESS System Commissioning Process.
  4. Identify the chemistry of lithium-ion batteries.

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