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The OPR: Would you build a house without a foundation?

Most everyone in our chosen profession knows that each project should start with an Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR), but many do not understand why this is a critical first step and why the OPR should not be created and then filed away, never to be seen again. In this session, we will first review the OPR’s past and current status as “Commissioning Red-Headed Stepchild” then we will explore what the OPR document should be: The Key to a Successful Project Delivery. We will discuss options for building a more robust OPR, options for reintroducing the OPR through the build process, and why these concepts are critical for the success of a project.

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the value of the Owner’s Project Requirements document as the first step in the building process.
2. List the key elements in the Owner’s Project Requirements.
3. Explain how the Owner’s Project Requirements document is used throughout the commissioning process.
4. Give examples of where is the process the Owner’s Project Requirements document should be updated.

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