M-VHT-15: Becoming a Buzzy Bee: Braille Under Your Fingertips

Sponsored by: American Printing House for the Blind


The Braille Buzz and Polly braille learning devices are a fun way to begin the journey towards braille literacy. These devices have different capabilities that can be incorporated beginning as young as 2 years of age and can be used through third grade to help pave the way to braille reading and writing. The Braille Buzz App can be used with iOS and Android devices as well as some refreshable braille devices to offer another pathway to learning. By using the refreshable braille devices, learners can not only practice writing but also reading the braille.

Content Disclosure: This presentation will focus exclusively on Braille Buzz, Braille Buzz App, Chameleon, and Polly devices and will not include information on other similar or related products/services.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the three keyboard modes on the Braille Buzz and Braille Buzz app.
  2. Compare the two braille teaching devices to determine which will serve the child/student best in their learning environment.
  3. Demonstrate the use of the Braille Buzz app with a refreshable braille device.


Vision & Hearing Technologies

Target Audience

Accessibility Professional; ADA Coordinator; Administrators; AT Specialists; Caregivers; Consultants/Trainers; Curriculum and Instruction; Educators; Family Members; Government/Non-Profit Agencies; Instructional Technologist; Paraprofessionals; Special Education Educators; Teachers of the Visually Impaired; Visual Impairment Specialists

Experience Level


Primary Life Cycle Addressed

Elementary - Secondary (K-12)

Session Delivery Format

In-person presentation with recording

Course Schedule

This course was given at the ATIA 2024 Conference on Friday, January 26 from 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (EST)

Continuing Education Credits

For Satisfactory Completion and Continuing Education information, please visit: ATIA Learning Center CEUs

This course is offered for the following CE Provider Credits:
For: 0.10 CEU Units or 1.0 CEU Hours


Susie Thomas, Ed.D., CTVI, COMS, NBCT

Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, Center For Assistive Technology and Training Specialist


Dr. Susie Thomas has over 23 years of teaching experience which includes time as a secondary science teacher for general education as well as for students who are visually impaired. She has also served as an itinerant CTVI and COMS in the public school arena. She holds a BS in Secondary English and Biology, a MS in Special Education – Visual Impairments, and an EdD in Instructional Leadership. Dr. Thomas is also a Certified Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist, Certified Braille Transcriber, and a National Board Certified Teacher. She is currently working on her Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist Certification.

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Salary from employment

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: No

Jill Dunaway

Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, Center For Assistive Technology and Training Specialist


Jill Dunaway is a certified teacher of students with visual impairments with a Master of Arts in Education, a certified braille transcriber, and holds certifications in JAWS, ZoomText, and NVDA. She currently serves as assistive technology trainer/specialist at the Center for Assistive Technology Training, an innovative partnership between Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind and the American Printing House for the Blind. Prior to joining CATT, she taught assistive technology at the Alabama School for the Blind for fifteen years. A braille reader and screen reader user herself, Ms. Dunaway likes to say that assistive technology and braille literacy are keys to independence. She loves being Aunt Jill to her nephews, Jacob (16) and Joshua (14).

Relevant Financial Relationship: Yes
Salary from employment

Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: No