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EDU030201: Welcome to L.I.F.E: Learning Is Functional & Engaging!


This presentation explores different ways in which life-skills instruction can be embodied into daily lessons, and how community-based learning can become part of the curriculum. A variety of technology is easily incorporated from low-tech such as picture representation, store websites and automatic screen reader to more high-tech AAC communication devices that students can use to participate in the activities. This type of learning can be implemented completely virtually as well. Following the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and collaborate virtually in order to brainstorm ways to incorporate life skills and community-based learning into their own practices.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify three or more ways to incorporate technology into life skills instruction and community-based learning.
  2. Describe one of more benefits that life skills instruction and community-based learning have on students.
  3. Develop two of more ways to incorporate life skills and community-based learning into personal practices.

Primary & Secondary Strands

Education and Learning; Transition and Workplace Accessibility

Target Audience

  • Administrators
  • Educators
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Special Education Educators

Experience Level


Primary Life Cycle Addressed

Elementary - Secondary (K-12)

Content Area

Professional Area

Course Schedule

This course was included in the ATIA 2021: AT Connected virtual event education program.

Continuing Education Credits

For Satisfactory Completion and Continuing Education information, please visit: ATIA Online Education CEUs

This course is offered for the following CE Provider Credits:
For: 0.10 CEU Units or 1.0 CEU Hours.

This course was approved by CRCC for CRC CEUs and was included in the ATIA CRC AT in Education & Higher Education Series (2023-2024). This series offering was available from March 7, 2023, through March 6, 2024.

ASHA CE Information: Recorded Session
Start date of ASHA CEUs offering: March 2, 2021. This course was offered for 0.10 ASHA CEUs. (Introductory level.)
End date of ASHA CEUs offering: April 30, 2023.


Kristyn Stetson

Collier County Public Schools, Special Education Teacher


Kristyn is a special education teacher in a primary self-contained classroom. Her classroom incorporates life skills instruction into daily lessons based around state educational standards. Kristyn also immerses her students in the local community through community-based learning. Her classroom has built partnerships with local organizations as well as other schools in the district. Students in Kristyn’s classroom started and continue to run a successful school store that allows for greater communication opportunities as well as increased math skills. Technology is integrated into daily lessons including weekly cooking activities, shopping trips and working around school. During Covid-19 e-learning, Kristyn engaged her students in life skills and community-based learning virtually.

Relevant Financial Relationship:  Yes
Salary from employment.
Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: No