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Governance SIG: Questioning the Orthodox Beliefs of Association Governing

As of July 10, 2024, there are only 175 days until the second half of this decade begins.

To navigate the accelerating and intensifying challenges of the second sixty months of The Turbulent Twenties, association boards must set a higher standard of stewardship, governing, and foresight [SGF] and become fit-for-purpose. This work must begin immediately, and it will require a fearless reckoning with the orthodox beliefs, i.e., the deep-seated assumptions we make about how the world works, that underpin our current understanding of boards and governing.

This interactive learning session will invite participants to question several significant orthodox beliefs of association governing and suggest their own for discussion with their Governance SIG colleagues. In addition, participants will learn more about the Fit-for-Purpose Association Board Director Learning Series, which will be presented by Association Forum and Foresight First LLC beginning in September 2024.

You will learn:

  • What are orthodox beliefs and why are they detrimental to the work of association boards, CEOs, and staff partners?
  • What are some of the most sacrosanct orthodox beliefs of association governing?
  • How can association directors/officers/CEOs/governance staff think and act beyond orthodoxy?