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Live Webinar: Don't Leave Money on the Table: Pricing Strategies for Associations

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Pricing is the most important strategy that all associations need to deploy to ensure a better tomorrow for their organizations. There are risks in not methodically revisiting pricing and opportunities for future strength and resilience that may be missed. The biggest risks that should get the attention of all association leaders is that they are leaving money on the table for their organization and short-changing real value for their members.

Too many people think that a pricing strategy means "shaking down" your members for more money, and who wants to think about that? But nothing could be further from the truth. Repricing often means a win for members: more value and options to get more of what they care about, and better, more efficient revenue for the organization. Don't chase new non-dues revenue programs.... optimize the revenue you have with a smart pricing strategy.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand that good pricing starts with a clear, well-understood value proposition.
  2. Interpret the three T's: time, talent, treasure that make up the price that association members pay.
  3. Attain knowledge with respect to why basic discounting is risky in the long term and why it can undermine the value equation and erode brand equity.

This program may be applied for 1 credit toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.

Note: Live webinar participants must attend for a minimum of 45 minutes in order to be eligible for the CEUs associated with this program.


  • Christine Saunders, President & CEO, Halmyre Strategies Inc

    Halmyre President Christine Saunders is an expert in methodologies that successfully persuade end-users to change behaviors. Her approach drives at actionable insights and long-term strategic planning with immediate impact.
    She specializes in not-for-profits, public services and knowledge-based businesses that require a smart blend of communications and marketing to maximize their modest budgets. She is adept at supporting clients with complicated internal decision-making structures.
    The recipient of awards for integrated and interactive marketing & communications for education, municipal services, and financial services, Christine is a sought-after speaker on the emerging trends that impact real-world marketing departments.
    Christine graduated from the University of Edinburgh (MSc) and the University of Glasgow (MPhil). She has been awarded the premier marketing status of Chartered Marketer by the Canadian Marketing Association for distinguished marketing leaders. She teaches and mentors Chartered Marketer students, and she’s been a judge of marketing awards at the CMA and the ASAE.

July 11, 2024
Thu 12:00 PM CDT

Duration 1H 0M

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