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Live Webinar: From Raw Data to Real Insights: Preparing Your Association for AI

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You can’t scroll your social feed, glance at an industry newsletter, or sit through a national news broadcast without hearing about AI. The fact is, AI has been around for years. It’s the new generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Bard that have captured the attention – and imagination – of industry and associations alike. However, before you can start to see their impact on your association, you need to understand the role your data plays in getting the most out of AI. In this session we will discuss:
• How to get your data centralized and organized for AI to work most effectively
• How to use AI to increase member value and revenue streams
• The best ways to leverage analytics and insights to maximize AI
• The importance of prompt engineering and creating successful prompts

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand strategies and best practices for centralizing and organizing their association's data to ensure it is readily accessible and usable for AI applications.
  2. Gain insights into utilizing AI to increase member value and revenue streams; how data analytics can be integrated with AI tools to derive valuable insights and make informed decisions.
  3. Understand the importance of prompt engineering and create successful prompts.
This program may be applied for 1 credit toward your CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.
Live webinar participants must attend for a minimum of 45 minutes in order to be eligible for the CEUs associated with this program.


  • Conor Sibley, Chief Technology Officer, Higher Logic

    Conor serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Higher Logic. Conor has spent the past two decades building influential companies where he designed and managed internet scale platforms. He developed his in-depth knowledge implementing emerging technologies and leading multiple successful M&A activities as an executive at startups, enterprises, consulting organizations, as well as with various branches of the military and intelligence community.  He sits on investment and grant boards of multiple funds and teaches Entrepreneurship courses on product development at The University of Virginia.

    Most recently Conor was CTO of Association Analytics, and prior to that CTO at Cloud Generation. In the past, he served as a Network Security Engineer with BBN Technologies, the organization that architected the Internet and first email technologies.

    Conor has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and an MBA from the University of Virginia. In his free time outside of ushering in the future of WEB2 & WEB3 technologies, Conor is bouncing around wrangling a house full of kids he refers to as his wild animals.

June 27, 2024
Thu 12:00 PM CDT

Duration 1H 0M

This live web event has ended.

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