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H1: CRS: Improve Your Rating

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1) Efficiencies in Linking Resiliency Planning with the CRS Program
Erin Deady, AICP, Esq., Erin L. Deady, PA,
Co-presenters: Lori Lehr, Lori Lehr, Inc.,

Abstract: As more local and state governments are starting to address vulnerability assessments and resiliency planning, many linkages can be made to the Community Rating System program for efficiency. The Community Rating System, Activity 452.b, provides points for developing watershed management plans and this is a pre-requisite to achieving a 4 Class Rating. Bridging the gap between a 5 and 4 Class Rating in the program has been challenging because of the types of modeling requirements for a watershed management plan. Additionally, for coastal communities, this means modeling future conditions for the 2100 NOAA Intermediate High sea level rise scenario. Many inland and coastal state and local governments are developing vulnerability assessments based on future flooding considerations. For efficiency in modeling and consistent analysis to develop response strategies, entities pursuing these strategies should perform an analysis on the emergency management, resiliency and floodplain planning efforts concurrently. One case study is in Florida, where the State Division of Emergency Management has developed a granting program to assist local governments in developing watershed management plans to meet the requirements of Activity 452.b in CRS for watershed management plans. This is simultaneous to the development of a new “Always Ready” resiliency granting program providing planning grant funds to local governments to conduct vulnerability assessments for both coastal and inland communities. Some communities are harmonizing these efforts while also meeting other aspects of emergency management planning such as updates to Local Mitigation Strategies. A key to the success in harmonizing these initiatives is accurate datasets, specifically for stormwater management structures, and this likely requires a recent or in-flight stormwater management plan. This session focuses on that interface between these types of planning initiatives with strategies, recommendations and case studies on how alignment of them can provide efficiency, cost savings and success!

2) CRS: Is your community living up to its full potential?
Christina Groves, CFM, Tetra Tech,
Co-presenters: Melissa Mitchell, CFM,

Abstract: The Community Rating System (CRS) was created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to encourage communities to reduce losses and avoid flood damage to insurable property, strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the NFIP, and foster more comprehensive floodplain management. Through participation in CRS, a community can become more disaster resilient, and reduce flood insurance premiums. In theory, it could be said that achieving these goals would highlight ‘best practices’ of a local program. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, with scorable activities often left on the table. As two former CRS Specialists, with a combined 19-years of experience working with the program, we have a unique perspective to share to help communities maximize CRS program participation. During our time with the program, we observed many communities were not fully participating, due in part to a deficit in understanding program nuance. In this session, we will discuss some of the reasons why communities might not be realizing their full potential in the CRS program and what can be done to change this! By increasing awareness and simplifying the process, you can help your community take advantage of the program and receive the greatest benefits!

3) A Floodplain Species Plan - Implementation Challenges and Solutions
Seamus Riley, Jefferson Parish,

Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, contains abundant (albeit diminishing) natural habitat and incredible biodiversity. Among the substantial number of animal species with range in Jefferson Parish, twelve are currently listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Jefferson Parish is experiencing the second-highest rate of land loss in coastal Louisiana due to the effects of sea level rise, subsidence, hurricanes, storm surges, disconnection of the Mississippi River from coastal marshes, oil and gas activity, and other human impacts. With a current land loss rate of 210 acres per year or three football fields per week, the need to assist in the conservation of and advocacy for threatened and endangered species within our floodplain was obvious. This presentation will cover the development and initiation of our Threatened and Endangered Floodplain Species Plan for all of unincorporated Jefferson Parish and two incorporated municipalities (the City of Gretna & the Town of Jean Lafitte). Special emphasis will be placed on potential challenges and solutions associated with recovery strategies and objectives we hope to accomplish as we endeavor to effectively and realistically benefit the threatened and endangered species in our floodplain.


  • Erin Deady

    ELD P.A. has been on the forefront of resiliency planning in Florida as the field has evolved. For the past 11 years, the firm has been a known expert in the fields of planning, sustainability, energy policy, resiliency planning and harmonizing technical, legal and policy approaches to assist local governments with pursuing their resiliency and sustainability goals. A core service has been securing grant assistance for local governments to further these efforts to plan for a more sustainable, resilient future. Ms. Deady has written over 73 resiliency grants in Florida and recently secured 8 planning grants for CRS watershed management plans. As an attorney and urban planner, she works to help communities plan for future flooding conditions with vulnerability assessments and resiliency plans, Code provisions and Comprehensive Planning policies. Lori Lehr, CFM is a widely known expert in the Community Rating System program having formerly worked for ISO and currently working with dozens of communities in their participation of CRS.

  • Christina Armour

    Christina Groves is a Senior Community Resilience Planner for Tetra Tech. She has over 20 years of experience working with floodplain management, the Community Rating System, planning and zoning, and local government.

  • Seamus Riley

    Seamus Riley, originally from Washington D.C., is the Floodplain / CRS Specialist for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, where he has worked for the last seven years. He has a Master of Science in Environmental Science & Policy and is a Certified Floodplain Manager. His experience is not limited to but includes regulatory permitting, coastal restoration, grant and project management, and the Community Rating System. Seamus enjoys spending time with his family, gardening, being outdoors, flying drones, and getting his hands on any new gadget he can.