Gel Permeation Chromatography - Utility in Adhesives Course

Gel Permeation Chromatography - Utility in Adhesives Course
Gel-permeation chromatography is regularly used to measure polymer molecular weight, which strongly determines a polymer's bulk properties and performance. Understanding Gel Permeation Chromatography techniques and equipment, specifically the choice of the detector will significantly impact the richness of data information obtained to characterize polymers. This course will introduce the principles of GPC, molecular weight characterization and detector choice to maximize information on molecular structure, branching and composition. Examples of polymers commonly used in adhesives will be used to explain how its utility can be significantly improved.
Learning Objectives
  • Overview of molecular weight measurement of polymers and the principles behind GPC separation
  • Review of Analytical tools available including single-detector (conventional) and multi-detector options
  • The principles behind the multi-detector approach
  • How multi-detector GPC can be used in adhesive applications and what molecular properties can be measured

Mark Pothecary, Malvern Instruments
Mark studied Biochemistry for his undergraduate degree in Bath before moving to London to do a Masters and PhD also in Biochemistry. His PhD project investigated the cardiovascular benefits of wine polyphenols. Mark joined Malvern in 2008 as a product technical specialist for the Zetasizer Nano and Viscotek products concentrating in bioscience SEC applications. He is the Product Manager for GPC/SEC Products in the Americas working out of Malvern's Houston office.