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Feedstocks from Hydraulic Fracturing Course

Feedstocks from Hydraulic Fracturing Course
This course presents some of the technological advancements in drilling and completing (fracking) wells that are creating a dependable energy and feedstock supply. The effect of these changes on the imminent supply chain issues will be covered. The environmental impact of fracking and how it can be one of the solutions to the challenges faced by the energy industry will also be discussed.

Learning Objectives
  • Process of Hydraulic Fracturing
  • Energy Crisis &  Shale Revolution
  • Shift to USA
  • Environmental Impacts, Benefits & Considerations
  • Myths about Fracking

Greg Kozera, Shale Crescent USA
Greg is Director of Marketing for Shale Crescent USA, a regional non-profit research and economic development marketing organization whose mission is to create jobs. He is a professional engineer with a masters in environmental engineering and more than 40 years of experience in the natural gas and oil industry. Kozera is the author of the books Just the Fracks Ma'am and Learned Leadership. Greg is a leadership & marketing expert, professional speaker and a writer with numerous published articles including a weekly newspaper column. Kozera is a boys high school soccer coach whose teams have won 17 regional and six state championships. He understands the importance of teamwork and leadership.