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Designing Foodservice Packaging Course

Designing Foodservice Packaging Course
The circular economy is a paradigm shift for industry and society, according to The Association of the European Adhesive and Sealant Industry (FEICA), who actively supports efforts to improve product efficiency and circularity to help create a more sustainable society. This course provides an overview on legislative and societal trends in the circular economy across the EU and US and how these trends impact the design criteria for the opportunity to certify foodservice packaging for acceptance at industrial composting facilities.

Learning Objectives
  • Get clarity on definitions related to the circular economy and composting of foodservice packaging.
  • Understand legislative trends in the US and EU as it relates to the circular economy, including packaging and product bans.
  • Receive an overview of requirements in designing compostable foodservice packaging in the US and EU
  • Gain new insights as to how the adhesive and sealant industry can contribute to the circular economy.

Nicole Whiteman, NatureWorks, LLC

Shannon Pinc, NatureWorks, LLC