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Understanding Biobased, Biodegradability and Compostability Course

Understanding Biobased, Biodegradability and Compostability Course
Polymer biodegradability in disposal systems like composting/anaerobic digestion or soil can be a viable and responsible "end-of-life" solution in harmony with the "Circularity Model" (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Circular Economy concepts). Biobased polymers in which the petro-fossil carbon is replaced by biobased carbon offers the value proposition of a reduced carbon footprint and supports a rural agrarian economy. However, there is much confusion, misuse and abuse of the term "biodegradable". Products abound in the marketplace making unqualified claims of "biodegradable" with little or no supporting data or understanding of the value proposition biodegradability offers. This course presents the state-of-the science and technology in the bioplastics space – biobased, biodegradability and compostability.
Learning Objectives
  • What is the value proposition for biobased (carbon) content? Definition, measurements and associated Standards
  • Is biodegradability a solution to managing plastic wastes particularly ocean and terrestrial pollution – biodegradability of adhesives which is a small component of the total product – Applicable Standards for adhesive formulations.
  • Can oxo or enzymes or similar additives make hydrocarbon polymers (polyolefins) fully biodegradable – what is the science and hype around it and what does "biodegradable" really mean?
  • What role, if any certified compostable products play in enabling diversion of food and other biowastes from landfills and leakage into terrestrial and ocean environments to organics recycling.
  • Understanding biodegradability vs compostability

Prof. Ramani Narayan, Michigan State University
Dr. Ramani Narayan is a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the Michigan State University College of Engineering.
He is an internationally acclaimed thought leader and expert in bioplastics – focusing on the manufacture of biobased and compostable plastics. His research encompasses design and manufacture of biofiber composites for auto and industrial applications. He is a fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors and the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). He serves as the scientific chair of the Biodegradable Products Institute, North America. He is the USA technical expert to ISO (International Standards Organization) TC 61 on Plastics; convener of SC 14 WG (working group) 3 on biobased plastics; convener of working group 7 of ISO TC 120 SC 4 on Packaging and the Environment. Narayan is an advisor to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) BioPreferred Program on Standards and serves on the ASTM Technical Advisory Committee on USDA programs for labeling of biobased products. He received the ASTM Award of Merit, the highest award given by the society to an individual member and was the first recipient of the William N. Findley Award from ASTM for significant contributions to the application of new technologies.