Wood Adhesion Course

Wood Adhesion Course
Wood adhesives are and have been of prime importance in the industrial world. As our forests become younger and the drive for sustainable resources increases, many wood products rely heavily on adhesives or binders to perform their best. An understanding of the unique attributes of wood as a surface and how adhesive chemistries utilize these properties will greatly aid in developing, troubleshooting or testing bonded wood structures in wood construction and flooring applications.

Learning Objectives
  • Historic Background and PU Adhesive Markets
  • Types of Wood Composites
  • Wood Composite Manufacturing
  • Wood Adhesive Mechanisms

Dr. Joseph J Marcinko, Polymer Synergies LLC
Dr. Marcinko has over 30 years of industrial R&D, research management, and academic experience. His interests and expertise are in the areas of polyurethane chemistry, bio-polymers, adhesion science, wood composites, polymer characterization, solid-state NMR spectroscopy, and polymer structure-property relationships. He is an adjunct professor and a developer of industrial short courses related to polymer chemistry and industrial problem solving. Dr. Marcinko has authored over 40 publications, and has 7 patents and 6 patents pending.