Silicone Sealants and Adhesives Part 1 Course

Silicone Sealants and Adhesives Part 1 Course
Sealants and adhesives based on silicone polymers stand out from the crowd because of the unique features of their chemical backbone, which can be thought of as an inorganic (Si-O-)n polymer chain 'packaged' into a robust 'envelope' formed by the organic side groups. Due to the hybrid nature of this polymer, silicone sealants and adhesives offer outstanding durability, unparalleled flexibility over a very wide temperature range, and excellent adhesion, even to difficult substrates. These features make silicone sealants and adhesives suitable for a wide range of applications in the medical, electrical, electronic, automotive, aerospace, and construction industries. However, with versatility comes complexity. This course is part 1 in the two-part course series and focusses on the sealants market, polymer manufacture and sealants properties and applications.

Learning Objectives
  • Distinction Between Sealants and Adhesives
  • Adhesives and Sealants Markets
  • Silicone Polymer Manufacture
  • Applications of Silicone Sealants and Adhesives Across Industries
  • Inherent Properties of Silicones and Polymer Structure-Property Relationships

Dr. Andreas T. Wolf, Consultant
Andreas T. Wolf works as an independent consultant in the sealants and adhesives area. He graduated in Physical Chemistry at Frankfurt university in 1974 and received a Ph.D. in Theoretical Chemistry from Düsseldorf university in 1978. In 2015, he retired from Dow Corning (now: Dow Silicones) as Chief Scientist of the Global High-Performance Building Solutions business. He has served as editor of ten books, coauthored one book on sealants in construction, has authored over 200 technical papers, and chaired multiple international scientific symposia.