Packaging Part 2: Formulate and Testing Course

Packaging Part 2: Formulate and Testing Course
This two-part course series provides an overview of packaging adhesives for technical and business professionals. This course is Part 2 in the series and presents the science behind packaging adhesives including a review of basic adhesion principles, and developing optimum adhesive formulations using structure/property relationships with considerations for processing by technology types and markets.

Learning Objectives
  • Packaging Submarkets
  • Substrate Types
  • Type of  Adhesive & its Application
  • Performance Indicators

Dave Horwat, Consultant
Dave Horwat is a technical consultant for the adhesives industry with over 40 years of experience in formulation and technical support of vinyl acetate polymers with Air Products Polymers. In addition to packaging and converting adhesives, Dave has worked in adhesive development for woodworking, automotive, HVAC, insulation and many other submarkets or applications. He is an author of the industry standard training manual entitled, "Working with Vinyl Acetate Based Polymers" published by Air Products. Dave has also collaborated on the development of a mathematical adhesive formulation system which theoretically models structure-property relationships of adhesive and polymer dispersions using various compounding additives.