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Robots Meet Records: Using Artificial Intelligence in IG and Privacy

Artificial intelligence (AI) is here and creating opportunities for forward-thinking IG and privacy professionals to achieve the same goals better, faster, and more cost-effectively than ever. This session explores how innovative companies are leveraging "expert systems" technology and other forms of AI across a wide range of IG and privacy-related use cases. We will discuss using AI to automate aspects of records retention and disposition programs; to put actionable answers to complex questions, even context-specific legal advice at stakeholders' fingertips at any given moment; and to drive compliance with complex regulatory frameworks, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation.  

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe artificial intelligence
  2. Identify opportunities to leverage commercially available AI technologies in the contexts of IG and data privacy and protection
  3. Assess expected costs and benefits associated with potential use cases for AI
  4. Identify opportunities to leverage commercially available AI technologies in your organization
  5. Discuss practical applications possible today or in the near future with stakeholders in your organization