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Case Study: Interior Department's Strategy for E-Mail Management with Auto-Classification

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The Department of the Interior's (DOI) strategy to manage its millions of emails in an enterprise-wide content management system featuring auto-classification for records management is groundbreaking in e-government. The DOI's cloud-based strategy to implement a Capstone approach integrates 14 Bureaus/Offices, serving 98,000 users.

Join this session to hear the strategy used to build the program, lessons learned, and next steps. Whether you need support for public access, privacy, Congressional requests, investigations, or e-discovery, this model helps you meet M-12-18 requirements.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Apply DOI's strategy to address email management challenge 
  2. Discuss and develop email management strategies with your agency's stakeholders 
  3. Apply DOI's 'lessons learned' to email management planning 
  4. Identify one approach to auto-classification technology