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An Innovative Approach to 'In-Place' SharePoint Records Management

In an organization resistant to 'mandatory' training and determined to do things the way they always have done, how do you implement an electronic records program using SharePoint? If your staff won't manually declare records, and if you can't rely on software to identify records, check out a file-plan-based approach to have staff store records in a location that is convenient, secure, reportable, and just automatic enough to make everyone happy.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify elements of file plans that are needed for this approach to records management
  2. Explain core concepts of SharePoint that facilitate this approach to records management
  3. Communicate and apply a distinction between Records and Working Documents
  4. Plan out a reorganization of SharePoint libraries to unobtrusively align end-users with the needs of Records Managers
  5. Identify approaches for monitoring compliance with this records management schema