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Poking Holes in Big Buckets - The Impacts of Data Privacy and Security on Simplified Retention Schedules

Big buckets have been the trend in recent years, but if they are too big and designed without a sound strategy, unnecessary risks are created for your organization. While everyone wants a simple retention schedule, ignoring necessary exceptions leads to over-retention of records that effectively counteract the benefits of simplicity. The two areas impacting big bucket design the most are privacy and security.

In this webinar, Zasio experts Rick Surber, Sr. Analyst and Licensed Attorney, and Warren Bean, Sr. Sales Engineer and Product Development Manager, will explore privacy and security—highlighting how a little targeted granularity goes a long way in reducing risk. We're also excited to team up with Kayla Greenman, Lead Records Management Specialist from Idaho Power, as a guest panelist to provide real-world experience in a highly regulated industry.

Panelists: Rick Surber, Sr. Analyst and Licensed Attorney, Warren Bean, Sr. Sales Engineer and Product Development Manager Kayla Greenman, Lead Records Management Specialist from Idaho Power

Moderator: Michael Haley