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Chucking Daisies: Ten Rules for Taking Control

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Daisies are beautiful to the senses and light up a room. However, as days pass, their beauty will begin to decline. Their stems will start to bend, their petals will wilt and fall off, they begin to stink, and you throw them out. That is the lifecycle of most things; they come into existence and, at some point, they decline and die and need to be disposed of.

Information is no different. It has a lifecycle – it comes into existence and when it no longer has business or legal value, it begins to “stink” as it clogs up your systems and should be disposed of. Old, outdated information needs to be “chucked” (or thrown away) just like dying daisies – maybe not in just a few weeks, but at some point it needs to go.

If yours is like most organizations, huge volumes of new information arrive constantly and pile up on the already existing data until you are overrun by data. The task of dealing with your organization’s digital debris may seem completely insurmountable. But don’t panic and don’t give up! The answers and help you need are all in this PDF’s 10 rules for taking control of your digital debris.