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Webinar: Audit Only-Advanced Learning Theory (5 CEU)

Once you know the basics of how animals learn, it’s time to take it to the next level. How do you know if you know the basics? You can define and distinguish between operant and classical conditioning. You understand the differences between positive and negative reinforcement and punishment and how to apply them. If you know the previous information, you’re ready gain a deeper understanding of animal learning. This course is the ideal follow-up to Intro to Animal Learning.
Kristina Spaulding PhD. CAAB owns Smart Dog Training and Behavior LLC and specializes in the prevention and treatment of behavior problems in dogs. Kristina has a PhD in Biopsychology, studying the social cognition, evolution and behavior of dogs. She regularly sees private training clients and also oversees a variety of family dog training classes. In addition, she has taught Learning for APDT for several years, is a member of the APDT Education Committee, the APDT Foundation and the Fear Free Advisory Group. She also offers online seminars on current dog behavior research.
Prior to opening Smart Dog in 2001, Kristina obtained her B.S. in Wildlife Ecology at the University at Wisconsin and served as an assistant trainer at Dog’s Best Friend, then owned by Dr. Patricia McConnell

Level of Knowledge: Prior to attending this course, it is assumed all attendees are:

  1. Have attended APDT’s Learning Theory 101
  1. Are familiar with, able to define, and/or know how or when to apply:
    •Classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning and emotional conditioning
    •Reinforcement and punishment
    •R+, R-, P+, P-
    •US, CS, UR, CR
    •Pattern and rate of learning
    •Flooding, systematic desensitization, exposure therapy, and counter conditioning
    •ABC Sequence
Learning Outcomes: After attending this course, attendees can expect to:
  1. Define and distinguish between different types of classical conditioning (e.g. higher order conditioning and blocking) as well as other types of learning that are often confused with classical conditioning (e.g. habituation and sensitization).
  2. Explain the different types of reinforcers and reinforcement schedules and their influences on behavior.
  3. Discuss various theories of reinforcement and how they apply to training and behavior.
  4. Explain and distinguish between the different methods of eliciting behaviors in dogs including, but not limited to, shaping, luring and prompting.
  5. Define generalization, discrimination and social learning.
  6. Identify the major brain areas and neurological processes that are involved in learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning and stress and describe how they influence the various types of learning.
  7. Apply the principles from the preceding six learning outcomes to real world scenarios in dog training and behavior.
  8. Analyze, integrate and apply new information to fit into current framework of knowledge of learning to be able to pursue novel paths of thinking if new information does not fit into that current framework.
Course Evaluation & Completion: will be determined based on but not limited to
  • On-time completion of all required homework assignments (see details below).
  • Participation.on the discussion boards. (5 points)
    • Participating students are required to make two posts each week
    • You will get .5 points for each discussion post, for a maximum of 1 point per week
    • Discussions must relate to course material (questions about due dates, technical issues, etc., do not count toward your discussion requirement)
  • Completing weekly assignments. (50 points)
    • There will one assignment each week.
    • Each assignment is worth 10 points
    • Grading will be based on understanding of the course material, critical thinking and application skills and grammar, punctuation and clarity of writing
    • Each assignment will be graded using the sale on attached document (course syllabus).

Due to the nature of webinars they can not be refunded once purchased and expire 90 days after purchase date.