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Upcoming Webinar - October 13 - Noon EST - Soft Tissue Phenotype Modification Around Implants to Promote Implant Health - Shayan Barootchi, DMD

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Implant therapy has become the standard treatment for replacement of missing teeth. Nonetheless, with its popularity, there has been a rise in aesthetic and biological complications and the emergence of peri-implant diseases. This presentation will focus on the components of the peri-implant phenotype, particularly the implant soft tissue phenotype, and strategies for its augmentation and therefore, modification. The importance of keratinized mucosa on peri-implant health will be reviewed together with the various approaches to regenerate keratinized and attached peri-implant mucosa. Similarly, the key role of tissue thickness for stability and esthetics, as well as surgical approaches and biomaterials for mucosal thickness augmentation, will be discussed. This presentation will also touch upon novel methodologies for assessment and quantification of implant health and disease.

Upon completion of this presentation, participants should be able to: 1) describe the concept of the peri-implant phenotype and its relevance to health and esthetics of dental implants; 2) identify suitable ways for modifying and augmenting the peri-implant soft tissue phenotype; and 3) recognize scenarios in which biomaterials and graft substitutes can be utilized instead of the autogenous graft.


  • Shayan Barootchi, DMD, MS

    Shayan Barootchi, DMD, MS, is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine. He obtained his Masters Degree and Periodontal Residency Certificate at the same institute, after completing a two-year post-doctoral fellowship program at the same department. Dr. Barootchi has conducted numerous research projects in the field of periodontal and peri-implant plastic surgery, with the aim of regenerating lost periodontal structures and maintenance of implant health, ranging from human randomized clinical trials, cross-sectional studies, animal, in-vitro, and translational research. His work in this field had led to more than 80 peer-reviewed scientific publications in well-known international journals. His work has been the recipient of numerous national and international prestigious awards. He is a section editor for the Journal of Clinical implant Dentistry and Related Research, and is on the editorial board, and serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for many internally renowned journals in Dentistry and Periodontology, such as the Journal of Periodontology, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, and the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry.

    Dr. Barootchi has indicated he has no relevant financial information to disclose. 

October 13, 2022
Thu 12:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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