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Upcoming Webinar - June 21 - Noon EST - Aesthetic Complications in Implant Cases: Before, During and After Treatment- Ueli Grunder, DMD

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Although we all prefer to talk about beautiful successes, it is usually more interesting to talk about complications. Even before a planned implantation in the esthetic zone, there may be problems that require a special intervention. During implant therapy, usually in combination with bone and soft tissue augmentation, undesirable complications can occur, especially in the way of poor healing, and finally, unsatisfactory results are seen after the end of the treatment, which may require re-treatment. In most cases, the complications manifest themselves quantitatively or qualitatively in the soft tissue. In this lecture we will discuss how to deal with certain complications. Unfortunately, only a few examples can be discussed within the scope of this lecture.

Upon completion of this presentation, participants should be able to: 1) describe the possible complications that need to be detected before treatment; 2) list the causes and possible corrections of a complication during treatment; and 3) explain how aesthetic failures can still be corrected after a treatment has been completed.


  • Ueli Grunder, DMD

    Dr. Ueli Grunder received his DMD degree from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, in 1982. His post-graduate education in advanced fixed prosthodontics also came from the University of Zurich. He received his specialist in fixed prosthodontics of the Swiss Society of Prosthodontics (SSRD) and in implantology of the Swiss Society of Oral Implantology (SGI). He maintains a private practice together with Thomas Gaberthüel from 1989 – 2014 and with David Schneider and Jörg Michel since 2018 in Zollikon-Zurich and has published numerous papers and extensively lectured nationally and internationally on the surgical and prosthetic aspects of implant dentistry. His book “Implants in the aesthetic zone” was published by Quintessence” 2015 and has been translated in 11 languages as of today. 

    Dr. Grunder has indicated the following financial relationships:

    Thommen (Speaker/Honorarium) and Geistlich (Speaker/Honorarium)

June 21, 2022
Tue 12:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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