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Daubert-Proofing Your Survey: Best Practices for Survey Evidence in Trademark Infringement and False Advertising Litigation

Original Air Date 7.14.22
This course has expired and is no-longer eligible for CLE.

This webinar will focus on the best practices for surveys in trademark infringement and false advertising litigation. We will review the court-approved methodologies for the various types of surveys often used in trademark infringement and false advertising litigation. We will then present the recent case law discussing survey evidence, the pitfalls that often lead to a survey being excluded or accorded little weight, and the best practices for increasing the likelihood that surveys will be admitted and used persuasively to help prove your case. This webinar is a must not just for trademark litigators but also in-house counsel who want to make sure that the expense of a survey is well justified.

Wendi Sloane, Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg, LLP
J. Michael Keys, Dorsey & Whitney, LLP
Lauren Keller Katzenellenbogen, Knobbe Martens

AIPLA is an approved provider by most jurisdictions requiring CLE. Each program requires individual jurisdiction approval, and each jurisdiction has different approval guidelines and time frames so programs may not be pre-approved for CLE. Program accreditation is sought in all attendee requested jurisdictions and may be available for up to one year after the original air date. Specialized credits (Ethics, Elimination of Bias, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Technology, etc.) approval varies by jurisdiction. CLE reporting and/or certificates of attendance may take up to 4 weeks for processing.

For information on CLE accreditation and processing, please contact the AIPLA CLE Department at