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Preparing Young Minds for School

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  • Explain the relationship between the school success and the development of executive function and theory of mind
  • List three ways parents can support theory of mind and executive function development at home. 


  • Teri Ouellette

    M.S.Ed, LSLS Cert AVEd., Exec Director-Emeritus of St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf
    Teri Ouellette, M.S.Ed, LSLS Cert AVEd. Is Exec Director-Emeritus of St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf. Teri has degrees in Deaf Education and Early Childhood. She has taught auditory-based programming for infants through middle school students. Teri is past president of the A.G. Bell LSL Academy Board. She has presented internationally on Auditory and Executive Function and Theory of Mind development.

October 3, 2021
Sun 1:15 PM EDT

Duration 0H 45M

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