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Hello? Am I The Only One? – Recruiting Diverse Development Professionals To Your Fundraising Team

Have you been looking for a unicorn? Do you think it’s too hard to find diverse candidates to join your fundraising team so you’ve just stopped looking? In a recruiting environment where there is high demand for diverse talent but (what seems like) little supply and where everyone is worn out; it's time to stop singing that old song and learn a new one.

This webinar looks at this critical issue through the eyes of a fundraising practitioner who’s been both the candidate and the hiring manager. Participants will learn:

  • Why it seems like such a challenge to recruit and retain professionals of colors to your development team
  • How to do recruit successfully and what to avoid when making a critical hire.
  • Retention strategies designed to keep the great professionals you hire.
Presenter:  Kishshana Palmer, CFRE

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