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Why Impact Measurement and Management is an Important Growth Opportunity for Fundraisers

There is a growing consensus emerging about the definition and structure of how to measure and manage an organisation’s impact on society and the environment. What does this mean for fundraisers? What are the implications and opportunities for nonprofit organisations and their fundraising strategies in the future? Join Dr Col Habberton, as he covers some of the fundamentals, risks and new growth opportunities regarding impact measurement and management that are starting to bring corporations, investors, philanthropists and the interests that they serve closer together. His session will contextualise these movements and how nonprofits can, and perhaps should, adjust to the changes underway.

Learning Objectives:

  • Review the key fundamentals of impact management and measurement and how it creates a common language between donors, fundraising and operations teams
  • Explore how an understanding of impact in your organisation can revolutionise your approach to fundraising strategy, team alignment and donor stewardship
  • Apply the insights of impact measurement and management to your planning, prospecting and reporting as additional fundriaising tools to discover new growth in income and coherence in your organisational objectives.