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Compassion Fatigue and Burnout


We all recognize the toll the pandemic has taken on our mental health but what we don’t often consider is what being in a helping profession does to our mental health. We are the ones working with new parents who’s child was just born with vision loss. We are helping students try to succeed and grow in school. We are the ones helping young adults with vision loss find a job or training so they can live a happy and productive life. We are the ones who help seniors that are terrified of having to move into a nursing home stay in their homes once a vision loss has occurred. Everything we do involves dealing with loss and grief. We encourage, ,educate, wipe tears, hold hands, give hugs, deal with further vision loss, work through failures, and celebrate successes. Furthermore, we do all of this while staying within the rules, regulations, and funds that are often inadequate. Finally, we do all these things without considering the toll it takes on us as professionals. This session will help professionals learn the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue, burnout, depression, anxiety. It will also help professionals learn coping techniques.


  • Amy Brunner Osvold

    Amy Brunner Osvold is a Vision Rehabilitation Specialist with North Dakota Vision Services/School for the Blind. She received her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN in 2000. She started working as a Vision Rehabilitation Specialist for Vocational Rehabilitation in 2000. She completed the master’s coursework in Education of the Blind and Visually Impaired at the University of ND in 2002. Amy completed a Master’s in (Clinical) Social Work from Florida State University in May 2023. She worked for Vocational Rehabilitation for five years before moving to Seattle, WA where she worked as a Financial Services Specialist for the State of Washington. She moved back to North Dakota and worked as HR/Staff Trainer for REM ND. She came back to the vision field in 2007 as a Vision Rehabilitation Specialist for NDVS/SB where she provides a combination of outreach, center-based, and distance client services for all western ND. Amy started losing her vision at the age of 5 due to Optic Neuritis which later turned into Optic Atrophy. Her personal and professional experience with vision loss has helped her achieve a childhood dream of assisting, empowering, and teaching individuals with vision loss. Her specific areas of interest include: mental health/adjustment in vision loss, magnification, lighting, and IOS accessibility. She is married to fellow MSW, Brian Osvold.

April 25, 2024
Thu 4:00 PM EDT

Duration 1H 0M

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