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Understanding Modern Signals

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Through an interactive presentation, learners will gain an understanding of modern traffic signals and the practical skills and concepts our students need to effectively navigate intersections that use them.


  • Dona Sauerburger

    Dona Sauerburger, COMS, is a founding member of the AER O&M Division's Environmental Access Committee and has been providing O&M services as a private contractor since 2000. Her special interests include street crossings, a topic she has researched, presented, and written about, including co-authoring the "Self-Study Guide: Crossing at Modern Signals" and a chapter in the Foundations of O&M textbook.

  • Jack Mitchell

    Jack Mitchell, COMS, is currently the O&M Specialist at Industries of the Blind in Greensboro. Prior to becoming a COMS in 2019, he provided assistive technology services to people with visual impairments. O&M combined with his background in engineering and design drew him to become a member of the AER O&M Division's Environmental Access Committee.

  • JoAnne Chalom, Ed.S., COMS

    JoAnne Chalom, COMS, is President of In Focus Mobility. JoAnne has more than thirty years of experience collaborating with individuals with disabilities including visual impairments. She has presented to international audiences from varied professional backgrounds. JoAnneā€™s interest in advocating for greater accessibility in the built environment drew her to become a member of the AER O&M Division's Environmental Access Committee.

February 20, 2024
Tue 7:00 PM EST

Duration 1H 30M

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