Opening Doors with Accessibility and Technology

Join Adam Wilton and Andrea Wallace for a lively presentation about digital accessibility and technology, and the integral roles these have in student success. School closures due to COVID-19 and the quick move to virtual instruction placed a spotlight on the accessibility of classroom materials and the role of educators as creators and curators of learning content. Further, the shift to virtual learning highlighted the high importance of access technology skills among students with visual impairments. This presentation will focus on strategies and approaches to championing digital accessibility in K-12 learning communities as well as integrating access technology instruction and programming into hybrid learning spaces (e.g., in-person and virtual). Participants will learn how to be a champion for accessibility and promote the creation of "born accessible" materials, as well as learn the importance of introducing technology early to students with visual impairments.

Learning objectives:
1. Discuss at least two strategies community stakeholders are implementing to ensure access to digital instructional materials.
2. Discuss two or more types of technology that students with visual impairments should be proficient in by graduation and when instruction should begin.
3. Identify at least two solutions to barriers in providing technology instruction (virtually or face to face) to students with visual impairments.

Presented by Adam Wilton and Andrea Wallace.

Captions and transcripts are under production and will soon be available.