eStudy - Applying Systems Thinking to Evaluations

Mainstream evaluations use quantitative and/or qualitative methods of inquiry. While quantitative methods such as questionnaire surveys are positivist (truth is experienced through senses; starts with hypothesis; numbers are the truth); quantitative methods such as focus groups and interviews are interpretative (truth is subjective, experienced through lived experiences and is inductive. Systems thinking challenges both qualitative and quantitative evaluation outcomes and establishes the importance of going beyond the visible objective and subjective reality (insights) and discovering system structures and mechanisms to understand the existing phenomena, life giving forces and performance challenges of the organization/ project/ eco system under evaluation.

The course will introduce participants to systems thinking and the value of using systems lenses to evaluations. They will learn how to design insightful evaluations using system diagram, system traps and system leverages. They will also learn how to build ownership of an organization according to the evaluation results.

This is an introductory level course. People who are unfamiliar with systems thinking can also benefit from attending the webinar.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants will;

  • Apply systems lenses to evaluations
  • Design insightful evaluations using system diagrams, traps and leverages
  • Build ownership of an organization according to evaluation results

Session I Agenda:
  • Develop a system thinking perspective to evaluations.
  • Evaluation using system diagram.

Session II Agenda:
  • Discovering system traps and finding leverages to address the traps for sustainable evaluation.
  • Cascading evaluation findings across employees/ stakeholders using whole systems change approaches.

This workshop is aligned to AEA’s Competencies and Guiding Principles as follows:


Kanti Gopal Kovvali
Institution Builders HR Solutions; Specialist in Organizational Unlearning

Kanti Gopal Kovvali is a specialist in Organizational Diagnosis and Change Management. He has 25 years of workshop and group process facilitation experience. He is a specialist in Organizational Diagnosis and Change Management. He provides consulting services for both the social and corporate sectors.

Kanti is trained on Whole Systems Change’ by the late Kathleen Dannemiller, a US-based systems thinker, and whole systems change facilitator. His consulting projects are based on systems thinking and whole systems methods such as real-time strategic change, future search, open space, and Simu Real. He is acknowledged as an expert on Whole Systems Change in India.

Facilitation Experience:
Kanti has 25 + years of workshop and group process facilitation experience. A specialist in Organizational Diagnosis and Change Management. He works with both the social and corporate sectors. He hasconduct workshops on Organizational Diagnosis, Whole Systems Change, Change Management, Consulting Skills, Leadership Development, Coaching, Mentoring, First Time Manager and Performance Management.

Wednesday, November 6, 1:00PM- 2:30PM ET
Wednesday, November 13, 1:00PM- 2:30PM ET

Once you purchase the eStudy you must register for each session. Recordings will be made available to registrants unable to attend sessions live. Recordings will be made available to all registrants for 90 days.