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Introduction to Qualitative Analysis: The Sort & Sift, Think & Shift Approach

Sort and Sift, Think and Shift is a qualitative analysis approach that leverages central principles of major qualitative traditions to find synergy among them. This method is driven by the motivation for emergent discovery, allowing data to drive the process and identifying how different elements fit together and contribute to the field. Effective data collection is crucial, as it enables the creation of informative data-based narratives, which can then be communicated to stakeholders. Compelling quotations, including demonstrative quotes for case studies, help in constructing a holistic picture of both data collection episodes and an entire project. Visual diagrams serve as a powerful diagnostic tool that can then transition and help contribute to a summative overview for stakeholders.

Learning Outcomes:
As a result of this course, learners will be able to

  • Learn and execute five principles to guide analytic steps and decision making
  • Make use of an analytic toolkit to understand qualitative process by emphasizing participants’ words and holistic experiences
  • Use a flexible data analysis approach that can be used for a range of qualitative data types in evaluation and research projects
  • Leverage the power of emergent discovery
Purpose of the course:
The purpose of this course is to help learners develop an accessible strategy for qualitative data analysis, regardless of their experience levels.

What is needed for qualitative analysis?
Qualitative analysis requires several key elements. Open-mindedness is chief among them. We will emphasize the importance of understanding that qualitative analysis may not always be neat and clean; new ideas and complexities can lead to unpredictable results. It is crucial to embrace this reality and take the time to interpret the data thoughtfully, pausing to reflect and consider different perspectives. There is no one way to conduct qualitative analysis. This course is one impactful approach to the art of qualitative analysis.

Who is this course for?
This course is designed for both beginners and experienced evaluators. It is ideal for those who come with an open mind, eager to learn new ideas, and who are willing to bring their own work to the course. By doing so, they will benefit greatly from the Sort & Sift, Think & Shift approach.

How learners should engage with the course content?
Qualitative analysis is not a passive activity where one can simply observe and be done. The real benefit of the course comes from an active engagement with the material: starting with an open mind, absorbing information, pausing to practice, and then progressing to the next section of the course. To facilitate this, the course is structured around actionable process tasks that encourage users to actively participate and apply what they have learned. This hands-on approach helps solidify understanding and ensures that learners are continuously engaged and improving their skills.

Course Length:
The course is self-paced, the learner is free to move about the material as they see fit. To complete the course it should take the learner about 90 minutes. (Your spot will not save when you leave the course, however you should be free to navigate to any section within the course)

Course Instructors:

The course will be accessible after completing the purchase and available to the learner for 120 days. If needed longer please contact