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Create Your Own Data Visualization. A Practical Workshop - previously recorded eStudy 112

Rebeca Pop, Founder, Vizlogue LLC

As a program evaluator, you are likely creating reports and data visualizations. But have you ever paused to design a framework that you could use when visualizing data? A framework would make your work more strategic and save you time and energy. You will identify the steps that you should take to avoid data pitfalls, make thoughtful design choices, and incorporate storytelling elements. This is a highly interactive workshop. Participants will be exposed to real-world examples and exercises. So far, Rebeca’s workshops have been foundational to over 700 previous participants, who were able to immediately elevate their approach to data visualization and storytelling.

Learning Outcomes:
Participants will learn:

  • How to effectively communicate big ideas using data visualization
  • Common pitfalls to avoid when visualizing data
  • A simple plan for creating your own data visualization
  • What to consider when building a data story
  • Hands-on exercise on creating your own visualization
This workshop is aligned to AEA’s Competencies as follows:
  • Rebeca selected the most appropriate teaching approaches and theories based on both readings and prior experience conducting workshops
  • Rebeca reflected on how this workshop will improve participants’ data visualization and storytelling practice
  • Rebeca is constantly pursuing professional development in the fields of data visualization and storytelling
  • Rebeca will use technology appropriately – Excel and sketching should be easily accessible to all participants, so everyone will be able to complete the homework and learn from this exercise
  • Rebeca appreciates different perspectives and always encourages participants to express their point of view
This workshop is aligned to AEA’s Guiding Principles as follows:
  • Systematic Inquiry: Rebeca will explore the limitations of the data with the participants and ensure that data-based inquiries that are thorough, methodical, and contextually relevant
  • Competence: Rebeca possess the level of skills, professional experience and, very importantly, passion for data visualization and storytelling to conduct this webinar
  • Integrity: Rebeca will communicate clearly, accurately, and transparently with all participants
  • Respect for People: Rebeca will treat all participants fairly, abide to professional ethics, and be aware of any cultural differences
  • Common Good and Equity: Rebeca will promote transparency and mitigate any potential bias and power imbalance
Who Should Attendee?
Any evaluator who is trying to answer the What, So What and Now What visually (graphs) and/or verbally (storytelling) would benefit from this workshop. Evaluators will gain hands-on experience, which will enable them to immediate implement the learnings and create a framework for how they approach the data visualization and storytelling process.

Facilitator Experience: 
Rebeca Pop is the founder of Vizlogue, a Data Visualization and Storytelling Lab that offers training and consulting services. Vizlogue's mission is to help companies and organizations communicate more effectively with data. Rebeca has delivered presentations to over 700 participants all around the world. Her workshops are grounded in a deep understanding of adult learning strategies, and combine hands-on exercises with feedback sessions and real-life examples. Prior to founding Vizlogue, Rebeca spent 3 years teaching data visualization at the University of Chicago and at DePaul University. Teaching gave Rebeca the opportunity to understand this field at a much deeper level and made her realize that she could use her skills to help others elevate their data visualization and storytelling practices.

February 24, 2021; 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm (EST)
March 1, 2021; 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm (EST)
March 3, 2021; 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm (EST)

Once you purchase the eStudy you must register for each session. Recordings will be made available to registrants unable to attend sessions live. Recordings will be made available to all registrants for 90 days.