Promoting Effective Vaccine Conversations Online and Offline

Sponsored by Pfizer

Course Description

Getting vaccinated during pregnancy can protect both parent and child from vaccine preventable, yet maternal vaccination coverage in the US is historically lower than the general population. Vaccine misinformation and questions and concerns that go unaddressed can all affect vaccine confidence and affect a pregnant person’s healthcare decisions. In this interactive webinar, participants will be equipped with the latest knowledge and tools and share their best practices to confidently recommend vaccines to their pregnant clients.
Learning Objectives

In this interactive 90 minute webinar, participants will:
  1. Review vaccines routinely recommended for pregnant people by ACIP and rationale
  2. Deepen understanding on the definition and latest research on drivers of vaccine hesitancy and confidence
  3. Discuss experiences with clients regarding vaccination, including common vaccine concerns and misinformation Identify evidence-based strategies to promote vaccine confidence and uptake
  4. Practice skills to confidently discuss and recommend new vaccines to pregnant people

Elisabeth Wilhelm, MA

Speakers Bios
Elisabeth Wilhelm (she/her) Since 2016, Elisabeth Wilhelm has worked as a leading expert for CDC, UNICEF and USAID on addressing vaccine confidence challenges in the US and globally, developing national strategies to promote uptake of vaccines in populations experiencing vulnerability, including pregnant people. She has co-authored dozens of articles on vaccine confidence and global normative guidance on vaccine safety communication and infodemic management at WHO and has trained thousands of frontline health workers, communicators and public health professionals from over 120 countries on promoting vaccine confidence and addressing health misinformation. Elisabeth is currently pursuing her PhD in the School of Midwifery at the University of West Attica.

Course expiration: September 24, 2026