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Pleasure or Public Health? Clinical Recommendations for Lubricant Use

Tammy J Senn

Speaker Bio
Tammy Senn is a Certified Nurse-Midwife, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner-Board Certified, and Certified Sexuality Counselor. In addition to lecturing and creating educational programs which address the complexity and variety of sexuality, she has provided content review for gynecologic textbooks, and is currently a reviewer for The Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, with a focus on sexuality and sexual functioning. She is employed by Johns Hopkins Hospital, in the Gynecologic Specialties Division, where she founded the sex and intimacy clinic, and is also the founder of Sennsua Intimate Wellness, a private practice which utilizes a biopsychosocial approach to optimizing sexual wellness, functioning, and satisfaction for clients. Tammy has always believed that sexuality is an important part of who we are, that clients deserve to be supported through sexual changes and challenges across the lifespan, and that sexual functioning should be a component of all healthcare conversations.

Course Description
More than 66% of Americans have used sexual lubricant products. How much do you know about the lubrication products you recommend to your clients? Why do you recommend specific products? Does the lubricant that you recommend really meet the needs of your client? How do lubricants impact the vaginal microbiome and epithelium? This presentation will help you answer these questions, and many more. This session will enhance your clinical knowledge of Personal Lubricants, as well as circumstances for which each type should be recommended, while helping you to become more comfortable discussing sexual practices and lubricant use with clients.

Learning Objectives
1. List purposes/benefits of Additional Lubricant use
2. Discuss criteria by which Additional/Personal Lubricants are evaluated.
3. Name types of lubricants and their compatibility with condoms and sexual aids
4. Name factors to consider when choosing or recommending lubricant products.

CEUs Offered: 1 CE / 0.5 RxCE

Course Expiration: February 8, 2025