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Midwives and Liability: Experience, Support, and Risk Reducing Tools

This item is expired.

Katie Page

Speaker Bio
Katie has been a midwife in full-scope midwifery practice since 2010 and in Lynchburg at Centra Medical Group Women’s Center since 2013. She is the VA Affiliate Legislative Chair and immediate past president. In her role, she represents the organization on state committees and collaborates with legislators and regulators to advocate on behalf of CNMs and CMs in VA. She is the immediate past chair of the ACNM Professional Liability Section and led the survey administration and analysis. The Liability Committee works to understand liability and litigation experience for midwives in the US and provide resources and tools for midwives. This is an open committee for members and students to join anytime.

Course Description
Midwives are likely to experience adverse client outcomes that sometimes will result in disciplinary action against their license or litigation. Awareness and understanding about the incidence and outcomes of litigation involving midwives is limited. In 2018, the ACNM Professional Liability Committee conducted the third national survey on midwives and liability. This presentation presents the results of the survey, now published in JMWH, and includes discussion on support strategies for midwives who experience adverse events or disciplinary action, or who are involved in litigation, and secondary trauma which may follow.

Learning Objectives
1. Attendees will know what factors increase the likelihood of midwives being named in a lawsuit.
2. Attendees will know the most common outcome of cases involving midwives.
3. Attendees will learn methods to support self and other midwives who experience adverse events or are named in litigation, including for themselves.
4. Attendees will learn risk management strategies that they can implement in clinical practice

CEUs Offered: 1 CE

Course Expiration: June 29, 2024