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Nutrition Hot Topics: Insights and Best Practices in Communication

Dietary information is an evolving science. In this on-demand web conference, Drs Martha Cline and Jason Coe discuss some nutrition hot topics that they often encounter in their work, as addressed in the 2021 AAHA Nutrition and Weight Management Guidelines. Drs. Cline and Coe touch on the current science around issues like raw food diets, diet-associated dilated cardiomyopathy, and home prepared diets, and then discuss the best ways to communicate recommendations around these hot topics to clients.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Understand current findings on ‘hot topics’ in pet nutrition.
  2. Discuss optimal recommendations around these hot topics.
  3. Concisely communicate with clients to learn what they’re feeding their pets and how to address and advise when faced with a client interested or concerned with the current hot topics.

AAHA Members: Free
AAHA Non-Members: $25.00