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(TCM-2232) Alberta Transmission Project Cost Benchmarking

Primary Author: Ming Hu
Co-Author(s): Jahnavi Gopi Krishnan; Yan Wang

Audience Focus: Advanced
Application Type: Practice
Venue: 2016 AACE International Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada

Abstract: The rise in electricity demand needs building new and upgrading the existing transmission system in Alberta. Over the past few years, the transmission developments in Alberta have increased in number. Subesquently, the transmission project costs have increased due to certain complex aspects such as regulatory, environmental and technical etc. There has been a need to improve cost transparency to bridge the gap in Alberta’s deregulated electric industry. Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) is of the opinion that the transparency of the cost data is useful to the AESO and stakeholders in order to perform other analysis such as cost trending, identification of cost improvement opportunities and the final cost reconciliation. This paper is to discuss AESO's transmission project cost benchmarking system and its implementation by using data virtualization and interaction technique to:
- Establish transparent cost data and knowledge sharing platform that enable consistent and efficient benchmarking analysis
- Support transmission project cost estimates
- Support cost review of transmission projects