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(TCM-1948) Recommended Practices Provide Implementation Details for CMAA Standards of Practice

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Primary Author: Mr Christopher W Carson CEP DRMP PSP

Audience Focus: Intermediate
Application Type: Application
Venue: 2015 AACE International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Abstract: While the Construction Manager on a project should be certified as a Certified Construction Manager (CCM) by the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA), the Project Controls support personnel certified in Cost, Schedule, and Risk, and trained in AACE Recommended Practices (RP), provide the ideal professional services necessary to plan and manage the project.

Nowhere is this more obvious and vital than in the early stages of the project. From developing CMAA’s Cost Management Plan using the RP for Development of Cost Estimate Plans, to providing the Schedule Management Plan using the RPs for Project Planning and Developing the Project Controls Plan, to managing the design development stage using the RPs for Cost Estimate Classification System and Schedule Levels of Detail, all Project Controls aspects of the Construction Management Plan are professionally fleshed out through the AACE’s technical products and certifications.

Two great professional associations, each having earned the greatest respect, are a natural and perfect fit to work together. The author, active in both associations, demonstrates a strong case that the AACE International Recommended Practices align very nicely with the Standards of Practice published by Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) and professionals certified by each organization interface perfectly.

This paper examines the value of implementing the relevant RPs at the Pre-Design and Design stages of the project using lessons learned and studies that prove this value. CMAA and AACE International are natural partners for project success.