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(PS-4415) (Presentation Only) Schedule Analysis Best Practices for Capital Projects

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Level: Intermediate
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Capital Infrastructure projects are often impacted by challenges in executing schedules per the plan, leading to unforeseen and costly delays to delivery milestones.In many cases, these delays are driven by the complexity of large, dynamic acquisition efforts.However, in some cases delays are simply caused by a failure to follow project planning best practices in the schedule development phase.This presentation aims to cover both the content of Integrated Master Scheduling (IMS) best practices as well as the impact “for better and for worse“ inherent in the rigor of that approach.Topics addressed will include approaches for the effective creation and baselining of a project IMS, in addition to best practices for schedule management and schedule analysis in the execution phase.Key metrics for both elements will be covered in order to provide a quantitative anchor of this discussion.