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(PS-4387) Mastering Risk Factors for Renewable Energy Projects So You Don't Get Burnt, Blown Away, or Washed Out

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Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s)
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
10.3. Change Management
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Renewable energy projects pose unique scheduling challenges affecting project planning, delivery, and claims resolution.Solar, wind, and hydroelectric projects each involve distinctive supply, sequencing, environmental, means and methods, and risk shifting considerations.These performance exposures must be considered when initially scheduling and then evaluating delays on renewable energy projects.This paper addresses relevant considerations impacting the scheduling of renewable energy projects, provides input on how these considerations practically affect the development of the project schedule, and outlines strategies for mitigating associated risks.As the green energy transition accelerates, renewable energy projects are expected to constitute a growing percentage of the construction pipeline.Appreciating the unique scheduling challenges posed by such projects will help ensure that “you don’t get burnt, blown away, or washed out” on a renewable energy project.