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(PS-4358) An Overview of Hydropower Projects in Canada Part 2 (Spillway)

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Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s)
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
7.1. Project Scope and Execution Strategy Development
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Canada is the world's fourth largest generator of electrical hydropower with facilities that have been around for more than one hundred years. Hydropower projects are inherently complex and building them in Canada has an additional layer of challenges due to typically being in remote locations, and having to face severe weather conditions that could reach as low as –50 C degrees. This paper is the second of a series that will provide an in-depth review of specific considerations related to hydropower projects in Canada. The first paper, “An Overview of Hydropower Construction Projects in Canada and Lessons Learned” was published at the 2023 AACE Conference & Expo 2023 (PM-4071).[26] This paper will focus on spillway construction, planning, and scheduling. It will also describe the author’s lessons learned based on their experiences related to such projects. The paper will do a deep dive into the execution strategy of the spillway complex. Then it will present the design of a schedule intelligent calendar that automatically changes the activity’s duration according to the season in which the activity is occurring. Lastly, it presents tried-and-true coding and sequencing methods for different concrete placement activities.