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(PS-4241) The Top Ten Approaches to Avoiding Resource-Related Claims

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Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s)
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
6.4. Forensic Performance Assessment
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Schedules are developed based on durations and quantities, sequenced as necessary, and durations are estimated based on production rates and quantities.Production rates are a function of resources, and many projects have failures in meeting project durations based on lack of or application of appropriate resources as well as claims related to cost overruns also due to resources.Since resources are at the heart of many failures and disputes winding up in claims, a useful approach to project controls is to identify these claims and develop methods to avoid claims.This paper is proactive, intended to avoid claims and not prove claims, so it focuses on ways to avoid resource-related claims through good planning and analysis.

The authors have a long history of claims avoidance and resource analysis, as well as developing resource related claims, so they understand the issues and recognize the symptoms of resource claims.This paper will provide another paper in the popular “top ten” series that the authors have written to help project controls practitioners avoid project failures and claims.