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(PS-4233) How Recommended Practices for Project Scheduling are Becoming Obligations by Project Contracts

Level: Intermediate
TCM Section(s)
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
8.1. Project Control Plan Implementation
Venue: 2024 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: In the last few decades, having an accurate and reliable project schedule as a technical tool for planning, managing, and controlling the time and cost of projects has become increasingly apparent across all industries. Project contracting parties have been trying to structure and discipline the process and procedure of project scheduling and performance measurement by putting industry-accepted principles and recommended practices into practice.

Given the obvious benefits of such recommended practices, some project owners, especially in the public sector, are trying to contractually make them fully or partially enforceable and necessary for contractors to prepare various types of schedules (such as proposal, baseline, progress, recovery, and revised schedules, as well as schedule delay analysis) by including several pertinent clauses and provisions in their contracts for various attributes.

In this article, the stipulated contractual requirements for some of the main components of the project scheduling procedure and their related essential actions will be discussed by reviewing different clauses in the contracts of the case study projects.