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(PS-4097) Float Enabled Resource Envelope: A New Tool for Resource Management

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Level: Advanced
TCM Section(s):
7.4. Resource Planning
7.6. Risk Management
Venue: 2023 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: Standard CPM calculation provides two extreme performance scenarios: the early start, which uses no float, and the late start which uses all the float.

Most real-world implementations use some float.The use of float and the extent of its use is unpredictable because it is subject to the circumstances and the conditions of the project, which are driven by many factors.Therefore, the supply of necessary resources for implementing the schedule must anticipate all the possibilities of float usage.

A resource histogram that reflects this reality must be based on an adequate sampling of many float-usage scenarios and be composited from data-points gathered from the scenarios for each period on the histogram timescale.

The paper will introduce a new computational tool that seeks to explore this relatively untapped reserve of resource management.