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(PS-3854) Planning and Building a New Arena Under an Existing Roof

Level: Basic
TCM Section(s):
7.2. Schedule Planning and Development
7.4. Resource Planning
Venue: 2022 AACE International Conference & Expo

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the creative and effective planning and scheduling tools used during the construction of Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA.

The mass excavation of over 700,000 CY of material was planned and executed while supporting an existing, historic roof structure weighing over 44,000,000 lbs. Phased completion of the excavation allowed new foundation and structural elements to be installed until the existing roof was fully supported by the new structure, thus allowing the temporary supports to be removed.

The project team used a detailed CPM schedule, LEAN techniques including weekly work planning, 4D scheduling, resource loaded schedules, and other techniques to plan work safely and effectively. This paper and presentation will highlight the successes and lessons learned of an extremely complex and unique project.