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(PS-3243) Which Schedule Quality Assessment Metrics to Use? …and When?

Level: Basic
Venue: 2019 AACE International Conference & Expo, June 16-19, 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: Multiple resources exist which provide guidance for evaluating schedule quality, including:
  • NASA Schedule Management Handbook
  • DCMA 14 Point Assessment
  • GAO Schedule Assessment Guide
There are also many software-based tools which can be used to interrogate the schedule for quality validation or improvement. However, there appears to be a gap in the body of guidance and tools with respect to defining the extent of application of said guidance and tools.

Quality reviews are most often performed on schedules produced for project authorization (i.e., a Class 3 schedule as per the RP 27 R-03 - Schedule Classification System). But, what if the schedule relates to:
  • An earlier phase of project definition?
  • A Class 2 cost estimate?
  • Analysis required for megaproject risk profiling?
In these instances, standard metrics and software defaults may result in too much, or too little information.

Using general principles of RP 27R-03, this paper intends to propose a scaled correlation of schedule health check metrics to the schedule classifications characterized within RP 27 R-03 - Schedule Classification System. The basis of this proposal draws upon recent project reviews in support of risk profile and cost estimate validation, with reference to the works of subject matter experts and industry guidance.