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(PS-3087) Examining Schedule Performance in Phase Transitions on Vertical Construction Projects

Level: Advanced
Venue: 2019 AACE International Conference & Expo, June 16-19, 2019, New Orleans, LA, USA

Abstract: On many vertical building construction projects, poor schedule performance trends often coincide with periods of phase transition. For example, schedule execution commonly suffers as projects transition from the structural phase of construction to building enclosure and interior buildout. Utilizing eleven recently constructed vertical building projects as case studies, this paper will analyze historical schedule data using both deterministic and probabilistic methodologies to identify schedule performance and execution trends. Using these case study models, the authors will examine possible root causes for schedule performance declines in phase transition including institutional tunnel vision, schedule development, project management staff scoping responsibilities, phase pre-planning, and subcontractor coordination. Finally, this paper will offer strategies and potential solutions to combat negative schedule performance trends in periods of phase transition for future vertical building construction projects.