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(PM-2538) How to Quantify and React to Different Project Controls Cultures

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Level: Basic
Author(s): Robert J. White
Venue: 2017 AACE International Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL

Abstract: Any time project professionals get together to discuss projects at conferences, trade shows, or informal gatherings questions generally deteriorate to “But my project is different, what do I do when…?” and inevitably answers all boil down to “It Depends.” The phrase “It Depends” has become the go to staple of professors, presenters, and project managers with project experience. The purpose of this paper is to take that excellent answer to the next level and start to say what “It Depends” on, and more importantly what to do about it. A method to begin to answer this question for project controls to copy the success of the Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental (HSSE) community which has shifted focus from standards to culture with a focus on trust. The key take away points this paper will address are: Leverage the learnings from the HSSE community on the importance of culture, properly identify the culture of the project or portfolio, cater project controls to the culture.